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4 Ways to Stay Informed About Your Child's Day At School

Children in elementary, middle and high school all have action-packed school days. Busy parents can find it’s hard to keep track of their own schedule and stay informed about everything happening at their child’s school. You want to be as involved and supportive as possible while keeping up to date about new school initiatives and special events. There are a few ways that you make sure you know everything going on during the school day!

  • Ask Questions: Make sure part of your after school routine includes questions about your child’s day. Whether this means it happens at the dinner table, during a car ride to soccer practice, or right before bed, build in time to let your children talk about their day or for you to ask them questions. This will give you insight to upcoming events at school, the topics being covered in their classes, as well as their relationship with teachers and their peers.

  • Chaperone a Field Trip: A great way to understand the dynamic of your child’s class and how well they are interacting with the other students is to chaperone a field trip. The teacher appreciate the helping hand, and you’ll have the opportunity to see what they’re learning and help make connections to the real world.

  • Check Your School Website: School websites have tons of information for parents. Not only will they announce snow days and the schedule of important meetings, you can usually find email addresses for staff members and information on special events. Many schools have a message from the principal or a newsletter located on their website.

  • Watch a Live Streamed Event: If you can’t make a PTA meeting or school board meeting ask your school if you can watch it live streamed. MyLiveDistrict lets schools broadcast special events for family members who aren’t able to make it due to work conflicts or other obligations. With MyLiveDistrict parents can watch a school play, guest speaker or special event from a safe and secure website that is personalized for their school. You can contact MyLiveDistrict for more information on how easy it is to live stream events at your child’s school.

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