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How Can I Keep Parents Informed? Tips for School Administrators

Are you struggling to engage the families in your school community? Do you want to keep them interested and excited about what is happening in their child’s classroom? Whether you are leading a building of kindergarteners or high school students there are a few different ways you keep parents informed.

  • Send home a newsletter that contains a calendar of events. You may want to include examples of student projects or highlights from a field trip. This is a great opportunity to feature an interview with a new staff member or celebrate the accomplishments of one of your students.

  • Hold a raffle for parents who attend a PTA meeting or special event at your school. Advertise the prizes beforehand so students can remind their parents that they could win a gift card to a movie theater or local restaurant for coming to a meeting. Choose the winner at the end of the event and require parents to stick around in order to claim their prize.

  • Let the whole family take part in a pizza party that follows a community celebration at your school. Ask a pizza parlor in the neighborhood to sponsor the evening and share important information on school initiatives at the event. Parents who might not want to come back for an assembly after school hours won’t have to worry about planning dinner for their family.

  • Use MyLiveDistrict to stream special events straight to the smartphone or computer of parents. They can stay up to date on announcements and even watch a school play. If families in your community travel, have a busy work schedule, or are unable to attend a school event because of other obligations, this is a great option for keeping them informed and engaged. Learn more about the advantages of using MyLiveDistrict in your school!

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